Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A lot of progress - Prototype

Here we are after a while...
But we were very active...

First, we have coupled all the small circuits to each other to check if it is working.
This worked, but is was on breadbord.
So the next step we have done was drawing the schematic, where everthing is on it.
Al the foregoing circuits that we have maked, were small schematics.

The next step we have done, was build this circuit on a perfboard. This is also the prototype of the PWM. And the power supply is the power supply that we are going to use in the future for the project... (Adapters).

The bad quality is because it is filmed with my gsm.
While we have done those test etc, we have make a list with components.
This is almost ready, than can we give it to the school to order.

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